Studies on the EU and other Global Economies The role of Social Partners in tackling the crisis

Studies on the EU and other Global Economies



The role of Social Partners in tackling the crisis


DRAFT Programme



Venue: EUROFOUND, Wyattville Road, Dublin 18

30 November 2011, 9h00 – 17h30

1 December 2011, 09h00 – 17h30

Wednesday 30 November 2011

08.30               Registration and coffee

09.00               Welcome address


Juan Menendez, Eurofound Director European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

Paul Cullen, Head of Industrial Relations Unit
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Innovation


09.30 First Thematic Session: Dealing with social challenges during the Global economic crisis

Chair: Stavroula Demetriades, Head of Unit, IRWD, EUROFOUND

Introduction: Aims and objectives of the 2010 seminar, outline of the financial crisis

Global sustained growth prospects, Gianni de Nicolo, Senior Economist, IMF

Negotiating for Social Justice, Susan Hayter, Senior Industrial and Employment Relations Specialist, ILO


The European picture: Did Social dialogue make a difference?

David Tarren, ASTREES, Paris



11.00 Coffee

11.30 Second Thematic Session, Global developments: Japan, USA: Two different pathways to recovery; impacts on social issues

Chair: Gyorgy Szell, University of Osabruck, Germany

Holger Bungsche, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan

Arthur Wheaton, Industry Education Specialist, School of Industrial and Labour Relations, Cornell University, Stewart Basewski, Cornell University, USA



12:40 The effects of the international financial crisis on Latin America and role of social partners to address negative consequences at the national level, Dr. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Head of the IB  department, EAFIT University, Medellin, Colombia


13.00               Lunch

14:30               Second Thematic Session, Economic growth in Brazil and China; is it sustainable and socially embedded?


Hélio Zylberstajn, University of São Paulo

Shuming Zhao, Dean, School of Business, Nanjing University

Discussion with Dr Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Helio Zylberstain, Shuming Zhao


16.00 Coffee

16.30 Panel 1, Chair: Isabella Biletta, Research Manager, IRWD Unit, EUROFOUND “Sustainable global growth and social progress” BE, ETUC,Thierry Philipponnat Finance Watch tbc, Sony Kapoor tbc, Redefine

17.30 End of day one

20.00 Dinner

Thursday 1 December 2011


09.00 Registration and coffee

09.15 Third thematic Session: How can SD help Europe to deal with social challenges?

i) The role of the European level

Chair: Jean-Paul Tricart, Head of social dialogue unit (DG EMPL)

Transnational social dialogue (EWCs): ArcelorMittal case

Rachel Guyet, ASTREES,Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris

Sectoral Social Dialogue: Representatives of European Sectoral Social partners


10.15 ii) National challenges and answers

Chair: Christian Welz, Research Manager, Industrial Relations and Workplace Developments Unit, EUROFOUND

Social dialogue at intersectoral level: Austria

Bernadette Allinger, FORBA,Vienna

Social dialogue at sectoral level: Germany, the Netherlands

Jörg Weingarten / Tim Pixa, pcg-projectconsult,

WimSprenger, Opus,


11.30               Coffee

12: 00              iii) Company Experiences; Examples from the Steel, Food and                               Banking sectors

Chair : Carlos Vacas, Research Manager, Industrial Relations and Workplace Developments Unit, EUROFOUND

Belgium: Magotteaux, Frédéric Naedenoen, LENTIC

Bulgaria, Carlsberg,  Vassil Kirov, Independent expert

Hungary, Central Bank, Csaba Makó, Institute of Sociology Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest


13.00               Lunch


14.30               Panel 2, “Strong and sustainable recovery while preserving the European social model, Britta Thomsen, Member of European Parliament, National/EU level Social partners, Alain Chouraqui, Francesco Garibaldo, Lucio Baccaro, William Roche, national experts,


16.00                          Creating more and better jobs in times of crisis, is this possible?

Bob Kuttner, Author, journalist “American Prospect” tbc


16.30               End of seminar